Build the confidence to fully commit to your business

Victoria Gay is a social impact consultant. Her passion for helping organizations drive positive social and environmental change is what drives her soul work.

While working together, Victoria had a record year in her business and truly stepped into being the Soulful CEO to lead this next-level business she created. Together, we helped her fully commit to her business, shedding any doubts about it being a "real job" and recognizing the incredible achievements she had already accomplished. By strategically tackling key systems setups and approaching her business with the same structure and dedication she would offer a client, Victoria unlocked a whole new level and has been flying ever since.

Here’s what she had to say about our time together:

‘I wasn't sure what to expect from this coaching experience, but I heard such great things about Kristin that I pressed go on it without second guessing. And I am thankful I did. Kristin helped me to really commit to my business and recognize the amazing things I was already doing and could do if I checked a suite of things off my To Do list and structured my business the same I would do with a client. So grateful for you Kristin - thank you.

Another win was really committing to my business and stopping seeing it as "not a real job". The commitment made all the difference in me committing to and delivering a suite of things I had on my To Do list in our 3-month coaching timeframe. Business acceleration - on point!’

Some people have the belief that creating a 6-figure coaching business that they love is hard or reserved for a special kind of person. I think this is false! Strategy and skills can only take you so far, working on your self-beliefs is key, so you can put your deepest, truest self and your real desires out there.

Are you ready to fully embody your inner Soulful CEO?


Tap Into Your Inner Fire