Design A Business Model Around Your Soul Work


Shauna Moran is a coach and consultant that helps hybrid teams increase engagement and productivity while diminishing burnout.

 She’s also a spiritual business coach that works with service-based healers to create financially fulfilling and energetically aligned businesses so that they can fulfill their soul’s purpose and help the human collective awaken!

 When I started working with Shauna her story was very much like mine had been. She was operating a successful leadership consultancy but was feeling the pull to do her true soul work in the world. 

Through our work together, we were able to create a business model and business rhythms that allowed her to begin building her soul work business (Spiritual Business Coaching) while continuing to do the work she was still passionate about in her consulting business.

Here’s what Shauna had to say about our work together:

‘I've worked with Kristin now for a little under two months and I have to say her impact, support and guidance have been incredible! It can be lonely being an entrepreneur and having Kristin as my coach has helped that dramatically. Not only is Kristin knowledgeable about running a business, but she's also soulfully connected to a higher purpose which allows her to make a real long-term impact on a human level. I can't wait to continue working with Kristin and recommend her to any entrepreneur!’

There’s often a misconception that you have to ‘throw it all away and follow your passion’. The truth is creating an integrated business model that allows you to build a thriving business around your soul work over time is often the right call. You can have it all.


Ready to answer the call and start sharing your soul work in a bigger and bolder way?


Get Comfortable With Soulful Sales + Marketing


Create Soulful Business Strategy