Gain The Confidence To Go Full Time In Your Coaching Business


Emily Neufeld is The Shine Coach. She helps her clients get energized, motivated and clear to create a life that lights them up!

How fun is that!

What I love about Emily’s story is that when we worked together in the Activate Business Accelerator she had a full-time job and coaching was her side passion. Within a year Emily left her corporate job and decided to go all in on her soul work and created her signature group coaching program Shine within 6-months of being all in on her coaching business.

Here’s what Emily had to say about our work together:

‘When I joined Activate, I questioned if I even had what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Because of Kristin and Activate, I know now that I do, and that is so powerful!

The minute I dove into coaching, I realized that this was my soul work, and I immediately began dreaming of how I could live my soul work in the world full time.

Activate has been the best investment I've made in myself and my business. Not only because I've learned how to run my business, but because I've learned what it takes to be the leader that my business needs now and how to be able to flex and grow with my business as it evolves.’

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everybody. But those that it’s for (like Emily) have a fire in the belly that they can’t ignore. The Activate business accelerator has been designed to give you both the soul work and the business strategy so that you can show up and lead your business with confidence now and at each next level.


Ready to go all in on your Soul Work?


Tap Into Your Inner Fire


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