The Intersection Of Soul + Strategy
Leadership & Business Coaching For Soulful CEO’s
The Soul Work Method
It all begins with a feeling.
Maybe at first, it just shows up as a quiet whisper. Then over time it turns into an undeniable pull that you can’t ignore.
You know that there is more impact you could be having. You know that you have gifts that are untapped. You know it’s time for you to show up in a bigger way.
In 2015 I left the corporate world to follow this call for myself. Although I was making 6-figures and impacting 1000’s of people, I couldn’t ignore the knowing that this was not my path.
I didn’t know exactly what my path was yet but I knew I needed to start my own coaching and consulting business so that I could package and share my gifts in a bigger and bolder way.
Maybe you’re in a similar place.
Maybe you are in a successful corporate career and are ready to make the leap into what’s next but don’t know how.
Maybe you want to turn what feels like a hobby into something more.
Or maybe, you have a ‘successful business’ but know there is so much more for you if you can just break through to your next level.
Whatever it is, this is where the Soul Work Method, my signature coaching approach, can help you create a wildly abundant business around the work that you know you are here to do.
Learn more about the method here.
Featured Programs
The Soulful CEO Club Mastermind
High-touch coaching and mentorship in community to support you in growing your wildly abundant and aligned business like a Soulful CEO.
The Profitable Masterclass Bundle
Discover the secrets behind creating high-converting masterclasses that take you from being simply inspirational to being a fully booked out coach.
A Roadmap To Your First Soulful 6-Figure Year
A FREE 3-part training for Coaches & Industry Experts Who Are Ready To Create Their First Soulful 6-Figure Year.
Client Results
The Soulful CEO Daily Meditation
The Soulful CEO Daily Meditation
I created this daily meditation as a gift to help you access your next-level as a Soulful CEO. Listen to this daily for 30 days and see magic unfold for you & your business.
Business as a vehicle
to do your soul work in the world...
Let me explain,
I started my first business in 2015. At 31 I had decided that I was done with corporate ladder climbing and politics.
Don’t get me wrong I had spent the last 8 years of my career working for some amazing companies. I learned a ton. I got to have some incredible experiences and I even won some awards.
However, the interesting thing was, I had hit my target 6-figure salary and… well… it didn’t feel like I thought it was going to feel.
It felt like I had a j.o.b.
My soul knew, that even though the work I was doing was impactful, it wasn’t what I was here to do.
Once you know this, it’s hard to ignore.
So I quit my job and started my first business which I named “Winning Defined by You Coaching, Consulting, and Co-Creation” because I had no idea what I was going to do so I thought I may as well just try it all lol.
See how things unfolded from here..

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